Flukso speaks

Here you can find everything you need to know about Flukso’s latest news, from covering textile collections to new projects, from the big fairs and exhibitions we take part in every year, to our latest collaborations. This space is updated continuously to show the ongoing development of a company that experiments and refines new techniques and processes daily to offer its clients an excellent product in step with the latest trends.

July 2024

The new identity of Flukso: the logo that tells the future

March 2023

Art and design: the new Gallery of Ancient Art of the Udine Castle wears Flukso

April 2022

The new Elements line by Flukso: emotions digitally printed on the fabric

May 2021

Giving New Life to Fabric Production Waste: Flukso’s Recycled Line Starts with Gyre

March 2021

The charm of a custom fabric and the exclusivity of a unique product

January 2021

2020: What changed for Flukso

October 2020

A Flukso faux leather chosen to dress the rooms of a well-known luxury hotel in London

September 2020

Eve: the green revolution in textiles

July 2020

Complete restyling: a new Flukso look

June 2020

Flukso introduces Sanirise and Hydrise: two new sanitizing products for fabrics

April 2020

Here we are, our commercial office is working

March 2020

Flukso fabrics are now on Instagram too